Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday Interview- Meet Laura with WyJaJewels

Who are you? I am Laura Robinson, a working married mother of two

Where do you live? Mesa, Arizona (East of Phoenix Suburb)

What do you do? I think sometimes the more operative question here would be what do I not do. During the Monday - Friday work week, I spend my time at Olympic West Fire Protection - were we (our field guys) install Fire Suppression Systems, Sundays, I teach Sunday School, Monday and Wednesdays evenings I participate in Cub/Boy Scouts and in between I try to spend quality time with the hubby and our children
How many kids? Husband/partner? I have two children, both boys, Jacob who is ten and Wylie who is 3. My dearest guy and I have been married for 5 years. Our meeting was definitely a little more than strange, but, we are in love and hope to stay that way!

And so you have a shop:

What's it's name? WyJaJewels Wy - for Wylie and Ja for Jacob
What do you sell? Jewelry for the time being, there are other beaded items I would like to work on making as soon as I can get my feet planted in the ground with what I already have
How do you find the time? I dunno honestly, between work, household responsibilities, children, church and Scouts, a lot of the time I wonder where I got the time to do these things. I usually stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights and work on my items
Some of your favorite things?
Movie- Varsity Blues
Color- RED
Food- Biscuits and Gravy
Kids book- If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Time of day- 6:30 pm
Cartoon Character- Spongebob

1 comment:

Momma B said...

Love the jewelry! You sound like me with the staying up late to do what you want to do!