Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday crafts - by pioupioukids

Hello busy mums!

Well, I have no interview to offer you this week, so I thought I’d share a crafty idea with you. Sunday is (sometimes) dedicated to whatever I fel like trying. A couple of Sundays ago, I had some time on my hands. DS was having a nap, I had no custom orders to process and the garden could wait another few days. Most of all, I’d been wanting to try this for a while: my pot holders had had it! I’d bought them in an op-shop last year, so they already weren’ t very flash and I’d seen this great little tutorial on Etsy  ( that made me want to give a go at giving them a second life.

I’m pretty happy with the result, although considering what I started with, it was never going to be worse. It was a fun project which took about 1h to complete for each pot holder. You have to sew free handed, so make sure the patterns you want on your pot holder are not too small or too tricky to follow with the machine. You can do a drawing of you project beforehand to se how it’s going to look or just go straight to the scissors and start cutting out your shapes!

Hope you enjoyed your read and got inspired. If you have any crafty ideas, send them through:


Rachel Kovaciny said...

Very cool idea!

AngelaSpots said...

I love your Sunday craft day idea. I should impliment that at my own home. Thanks for sharing your creations.